What better way to increase one's anxiety levels than by combining two of the largest life altering experiences; getting married and buying a house. We are doing this as Billy says, "On a shoe string." We have, just today, eased off of the home buying part of the anxiety equation; this just after a reality check from my broker. He's a good friend and has very firmly stated that if we wait until my car is no longer a factor in the old debt ratio, I will suddenly qualify for a lower interest rate, another $14k in buying power, and (gasp) a 5% grant from FHA to pay for downpayment and closing costs. Three car payments and we are there!! Meanwhile, what started out as eloping has turned into a huge landscaping project in the inlaws backyard, catoring, and MANDATORY thank you gifts for the family/guests for all of the help in making this a "public" ceremony. Oh well, a much neglected yard is starting to come to life, a family who has been incredibly generous and welcoming to me has once again stepped up in support of this union; I'm truly blessed.